in Magnet

Day 4: A Brief Note

20140626-185824-68304915.jpgI seem to have developed a slight runny nose and cough, precipitated by incessant symptoms of dehydration (chapped lips, dry mouth, heavy thirst) despite increased water intake over the last three days.

I have no temperature and only a slight scratchy throat; I’m not coughing up sputum nor do I have any joint pain, muscle aches, or other problematic indicators.

The wound site continues to heal well and is healthy and as pink as my pale skin usually is; certainly no discharge, necrosis, odor, or any indication of infection. I’m going to chalk my symptoms up to a stress induced bug and keep chugging water – a systemic infection or sepsis doesn’t look possible given the appearing and health of the incision area.

The pic shows the wound uunder the same tegaderm from last night, which I will keep on until tomorrow morning. Blood marks are from stitch removal yesterday.


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