Jack Kingsman's actual brain

Jack's Brain

Hi! I’m Jack Kingsman, an SRE @ Atlassian in Seattle. In my free time stay busy as a volunteer EMT, Divemaster, and amateur radio operator.

Well, turns out this design (an ouroboros twisted to form a Möbius loop, interlocked with two others into Borromean Rings) doesn’t really exist on the internet as far as I can tell. I can find ouroboros as Möbius loop, and I can find ouroboros arranged as Borromean rings, but not all three. For a project I’m doing, I commissioned some!

I didn’t end up using them for what I was planning to, but I am now the rightsholder (as far as I can tell from Fiverr’s ToS? including a commercial add-on where applicable?), so I’m putting them on the web under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0 license – feel free to use as long as you credit where you got it (me, although I only claim to be the rightsholder and not the original artist) and don’t use it for commercial purposes. Beyond that, what you do with it is your business.

Help I’ve fallen down a well [and it’s filled with regular solids].

Couldn’t shake it out of my mind so I made another spinner, this time with an icosahedron. Haven’t printed it yet but my shipment of 100 bearings just got in so it’s time to warm the printer up.

Check it out again on Thingiverse.

Click to enlarge image

I was shocked to not find any fidget regular solids floating around the 3D printing/maker spaces, so I made one, open source and parametric using OpenSCAD.

Check it out on Thingiverse.

Click to enlarge image

Happy New Year!!

Today I ran the longest distance I ever have in my life (10km). Lately, I’ve been super frustrated by the lack of good pace/mile time/min-per-km charts and calculators floating around, so I made my own. Check out https://miletime.me to see the new app I made to make this fast and easy for me.

Welp, with the faster site came an unexpected change in how my RSS feed renders, resulting in subscribers getting a LOT of emails. My apologies! All should be resolved now.

And in keeping with new things for the upcoming new year, a site redesign! Long overdue to get off wordpress and onto something static and quick that doesn’t take eight to ten business days to load.

All the same posts, 1% of the upkeep, and 500% speed! :D

Nov 22, 2024

I’m updating my public SSH key; it’s long overdue to step out of the dark ages and move to ED25519.

My new key:

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILDDULC1LD04Hss//MwUXumtJE0YiH1IrioRDly/jack

And yes, I worked very hard for those last five letters.

Below is a PGP signed message attesting to this change, including an identifying comment.

Keys for validation can be found on https://keybase.io/jackkingsman, retrieved via the fingerprint in the footer of any email I’ve sent you from a personal address, or retrieved yourself from the key with fingerprint:

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