Apr 04, 2015
Hi world!
I didn’t get as much time to update my site over break as I thought I would, and this quarter is shaping up to be nuts (formal logic and combinatorics, physics of waves and light for engineers, advanced differential equations, and a community outreach course where I’ll be teaching inner city kids video game design).
The Bishop release went swimmingly. I’ve just passed 1300 users on the Chrome Web Store, and there are apparently a couple hundred more who have ported(ish) the extension to Opera that are pulling directly from the repo. It’s exciting to see the feedback I’ve gotten.
Unfortunately, I had to shut down the demonstration installation of FreeStep – I was informed that possibly unsavory parties were using it, and I wasn’t willing to compromise the key goals of security and and encrypted anonymity (nor did I care to try and play moderator), so I simply shut the site down. The source and engine are available on GitHub, as always, but the demonstration site is no more. C’est la vie – that’s what happens on the internet, I guess.
I’ve been in some exciting talks with people regarding possible avenues for work over summer – things aren’t 100% firmed up yet, but it’s looking like I may get to do some really exciting work with Apache Cassandra :D I might even end up living in Santa Clara for the summer.
I’ve decided I’m not going to do any more magnet implants – they were fun, but I’m not so interested as to justify another surgery. Instead, I’m going to be looking to implant a near field chip, which is significantly less invasive, and will allow me to use my hand as a data storage device :D
I’ve wiped my plate of future projects so that I can work on developing the skills I’ll need this summer if the internship moves forward (my clojure and python/twisted skills need some brushing up), so my posts here and software releases are probably going to slow down a tad. However, I’ll still be doing little projects here and there as I work on my frontend skills – stay tuned!