in Coding

Show MyMathLab Score

New Chrome plugin!

I took a break during studying for midterms and decided to try and hammer out a Chrome plugin that would take me less than 20 minutes. I got down the first draft of Show MyMathLab Score in about 15, and spent about 2 hours slamming my head against a proverbial brick wall before understanding why what I was asking of Chrome was impossible (who needs spec documents? I’m a MAN. I’ll write my extension without reading the documentation for that feature. ugh. never again.)

screenshotThe final version ended up being under 200 bytes of JS that helpfully fixes an irksome feature of the math elearning system MyMathLab — completed homework assignments have an obfuscated score, until it is revealedĀ by clicking on every single individual homework. We’re only a few weeks into the quarter and I’m already clicking over ten times, and it resets each page load… no thanks.

Show MyMathLab ScoreĀ helpfully “clicks” each score to reveal it to the user at page load. Now I can see my homework scores easily. Available in the Chrome store and on Github. And as always… be forkful and multiply!

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