Uh oh…
Jul 22, 2018
…I’m becoming one of those blogs with 6 month intervals between posts.

Life’s been great lately! I’m chugging along at work, taking on more responsibility for IT needs. Outside of work, I’ve jumped feet first into scuba diving! I’ve got my certification and am shooting for 20-25 dives under my belt before I hit Hawaii in September. I’m getting plugged in with some local clubs as well as wildlife teams that do volunteer fish/kelp/urchin/etc. survey dives for reports to the Dept. of Fish and Wildlife.
If you’re in the Bay Area/Peninsula and reading this and need a dive buddy, drop me a line 😉
My girlfriend has watched incredulously as the living room fills up with dive gear and storage totes I have rapidly realized I have no good place to store long term 😬 While she’s pretty sure scuba isn’t for her, I’ve convinced her to do a Discover course which gets you in the pool after minimal training just to experience what it’s like to breathe underwater — fingers crossed the bug bites her too!!
I haven’t been coding a ton lately — I released an agricultural calculator site (fertilizer, CO2 flow, etc.) that’s been seeing lots of heavy traffic, but that’s just an exercise to stay limber with React since I haven’t done front end work in a couple months with the job. I’ve also been brushing up my very limited C++ skills so I can contribute to Subsurface, an open source dive logging application written by Linux Torvalds, developer and BDFL of Linux.
Keep on trucking, and hopefully I’ll pick up posting here a little more regularly 🙂