NFC, Day 2
Apr 24, 2015
Healing continues. The site was extremely tender yesterday, and I find myself accidentally using that hand which can put painful pressure on the implant, so I’ve started wearing a sling to stop myself from using that hand. It’s extreme, but I’d rather three days of inconvenience than a rejected implant.
There’s been minimal swelling and redness at the site. There was 5mm or so of radial redness all of yesterday, but that has diffused today. Considering I’ve had triple antibacterial ointment on it since the implantation, and it’s not warm or discharging anything remarkable, I’m inclined to think that the biggest risk of infection has passed (although I’m watching it closely).
I’m not happy with the placement; I think I released the chip too close to the injection site, but it doesn’t have any sharp edges like my magnet, so I’m hoping that it heals over and stays put. Fingers crossed!