Convert 23andMe Data to VCF
Jan 29, 2015
Just wanted to give some visibility to a utility I discovered and contributed some code to called 23andme2vcf. This is a nifty little perl script that will transcribe 23andMe’s raw SNP codes into the much more industry-standardized VCF format, using the human genome reference.
It’s a really fast utility and helps to set up your SNP data for important into more powerful genetic analysis tools like SnpEff. I made some tweaks to the code to bring it up to date with VCFv4.2, which is the most recent standards revision, so it now works with some more picky software suites (my pull requests were merged just a few minutes ago :D).
I also just got an exciting email asking me to be a technical reviewer for a book on RHEL troubleshooting, which is really cool! I’d get my own page for a bio and picture and be credited as a technical reviewer, so I’m really hoping it pans out – great resume builder haha.
Well, back to slaving over implementing quicksort in pascal… shouldn’t have left my Language Design class homework so late….