Day 3: ~64 hrs Post-op
Jun 25, 2014
Healing continues well. Pain has remained nonexistent for the last couple days; I haven’t taken any pain medication since the day of the surgery, and I’ve been just fine. It has been tender to the touch both at the incision and where the magnet is settled under my skin, but only with pressure.
The photos below are from this morning when I changed my dressing. I’m currently using triple antibacterial ointment and a half transpore sheet changed twice daily, wrapping my finger in flexible gauze roll over the transpore during the day just to give it some padding and keep me aware of the site.
The stitches are a little crusty with antibiotic ointment, as you can see in the picture, but there’s no purulent discharge as I originally thought was the crust.
This is certainly the longest, most consistent, and highest dose of triple antibiotic ointment I’ve used in my life, so I’ve been watching for any kind of reaction or sensitization, which is possible with long term use, but I seem to be doing just fine.
I’m planning to remove my stitches tonight. I’ll do some research on post-stitch wound care; most likely I’ll end up doing my antibiotics, transpore, and daytime gauze wrap until the end of the week, at which point I may switch to transpore without antibiotics, or even just gauze. I’ll try to spend time to figure that out today.