Day 2: ~40 hrs Post-op
Jun 24, 2014
Healing is going very well. I took off my bandage for a little while last night as things were getting quite moist and waterlogged under the tegaderm.
There was quite a bit of white skin around the wound that was concerning me a tiny bit, but speaking to a medical expert reassured me that it was just scar tissue forming and not skin that I would need to remove manually. In any case, after an hour of exposure to the open air, the white area shrunk significantly, indicating that at least some of it was just water absorption.
I can see the wound edged knitting together and am thrilled with how quickly it’s coming together.
Side note: don’t sneeze while applying tegaderm. It will stick to EVERYTHING.
Below is a photo from this morning. It looks very very white but there’s still a significant amount of ointment on it from the night before. Also, bonus pic of my super high tech method to keep my hand dry in the shower… I was futzing with ziplocks and elevating and so many other bad ideas. This idea struck, though, and worked gorgeously.