‹ Jack's Brain

Borromean Möbius Ouroboros

Mar 17, 2025

Well, turns out this design (an ouroboros twisted to form a Möbius loop, interlocked with two others into Borromean Rings) doesn’t really exist on the internet as far as I can tell. I can find ouroboros as Möbius loop, and I can find ouroboros arranged as Borromean rings, but not all three. For a project I’m doing, I commissioned some!

I didn’t end up using them for what I was planning to, but I am now the rightsholder (as far as I can tell from Fiverr’s ToS? including a commercial add-on where applicable?), so I’m putting them on the web under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0 license – feel free to use as long as you credit where you got it (me, although I only claim to be the rightsholder and not the original artist) and don’t use it for commercial purposes. Beyond that, what you do with it is your business.

Ouroboros Mobius loops arranged as Borromean Rings, color

Borromean Möbius Ouroboros (ourobori?), color options. CC BY-NC 4.0 Jack Kingsman

Original Mobius Ouroboros snakes

Original Mobius Ouroboros snakes uncombined (click for high res). CC BY-NC 4.0 Jack Kingsman

Ouroboros Mobius loops arranged as Borromean Rings, black and white

Borromean Möbius Ouroboros, black and white. CC BY-NC 4.0 Jack Kingsman

Mobius Ouroboros

Möbius Ouroboros. CC BY-NC 4.0 Jack Kingsman

Mobius Ouroboros as a triangle

Möbius Ouroboros as a triangle, for possible arrangement into a Valknut orientation of Borromean Rings (it looked bad). CC BY-NC 4.0 Jack Kingsman